Boatman Mahogany Works


As  interest and inflation rates fluctuate often to an investor’s  disadvantage the timber industry suffers less volatility and  historically outperforms most investment strategies.  The consumption of  mahogany has increased to over 80 million cubic meters annually.  Many  countries are banning and regulating forest cutting of mahogany, much to  the benefit of farmed plantation timber.  Mahogany prices have  increased each year and are expected to do so for the next twenty  years. 

The  world’s most famous furniture was and is produced from genuine  mahogany.  Mahogany paneling, flooring, beams and ceilings adorn the  finest boardrooms and homes.  Commercial buildings, hotels and mansions  are bedecked with it.  Musical instruments are made from it.  Boats are  made from it.  Elegant entranceways, decks and doorways use genuine  mahogany to display an aura of prestige.  Banks, casinos, courtrooms,  churches and edifices of importance all utilize mahogany.  Castles are  adorned with it.  We cut it, we sand it, coat it and we carve it into  things of joy and pride.   We have a long-standing romance with mahogany  and it is not likely to change.

Climate change has mandated the  planting of trees on plantations.  This sustainable practice protects  against deforestation and further destruction of the rain forest.  Trees  are the lungs of our world and mahogany trees have good lungs to  improve the CO2 levels.

BOATMAN MAHOGANY WORKS uses organic  gardening for all their products and retains experts in the necessary  disciplines to accommodate success.  Our guarantees for plant  replacement and growth are unprecedented and directly connected to  our ownership of trees on each plantation.  Our success depends on your  success.